Saturday, June 6, 2009

Update, 6/5/09

Hey guys, we just wanted to keep you updated with some pictures and some posts to tell you about readers we are spending time with. Today Daniel and Mindy share their stories of time they spent with readers this week:

From Mindy: Of the many people I have gotten the chance to sit down and read with, one sticks out in my mind. This young woman came to our information meeting and sat down at my table. We visited for a couple hours and set up a time for the next day…she hasn’t missed a day yet. She doesn’t have much of a religious background, and even told me that the story of the virgin conception was hard for her to believe, but she comes every day with a smile and an eagerness to sit down and read. An important aspect in this culture is to form and maintain relationships, and she definitely has with me. One evening she came and told me that one of her best friends had just returned to Lima for the first time in two years and had stopped by to say hello to her. He invited her to go out with him but she told him that she had to come to the church because she had promised her new friends that she would be there. We’ve made plans this weekend to play some volleyball and I’m excited to see God’s plan for this woman he has placed in my life!
From Daniel: The reader who sticks out to me the most is Paola. Paola walked in off of the street five days ago. She came to the church building with her two friends. All three of them are studying English at a local institute; Paola’s friends are Christians (of some denomination), but she has very little Christian background. One of the questions on the LST form is “Religion.” When I asked what religion she was, she replied, “Umm… Catholic, I think…” She kinda believes in God, but isn’t sure about the Christianity thing. We have only read for three days, but she has had great insights into the story. When we were talking about the Virgin Birth, and I asked what two impossible things happen in that story. (#1: A virgin becomes pregnant. #2: An old woman becomes pregnant.) When I asked her how these things could happen, she quickly replied, “Because God can do anything he wants!” I was so excited to hear this answer from someone who isn’t sure what they believe about God, Jesus, and the Bible! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our conversations!
God bless you guys! Thanks for the prayers!


  1. Thanks for more pictures guys! Keep up the great work!

  2. We're praying for you guys! Keep us posted...
